Event: The Future of Liberia - Agriculture and Land Reform; Progress, Challenges and Opportunities
Liberia is a test bed for many of the issues faced by governments across Africa. Although a small country, its choices matter. Recovering from more than a decade of civil war, Liberia has begun a process of major land tenure reform. At the same time, the government aims to revive its economy by expanding commercial resource extraction and large scale agricultural concessions, including to Malaysian palm oil company Sime Darby. If not managed carefully, there is a high risk that these two trajectories will result in conflict.
Speakers will include:
Dr Geoffrey Griffiths and Dr Ruth Evans, Reading University
Presenting findings from a detailed social and environmental assessment of a Sime Darby palm oil concession in Liberia, in an area that provides livelihoods to people through both agriculture and forest resources.
Silas Siakor, Goldman Environmental Prize Winner and campaigner, SDI-Liberia
A key figure in Liberia’s civil society, he will discuss the future of Liberia’s agricultural sector and what can be learned from experiences in the timber sector.
Hugh Speechly, Senior Advisor - Forest Governance and Markets, DFID
DFID is supporting governance reforms in Liberia through a £7 million contribution to implement a Voluntary Partnership Agreement under the EU’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan.
24 June 15:00 - 17:00 followed by refreshments
One Great George Street, Westminster, SW1P 3AA
To register for this event please send an email to saskia[at]fern.org